Archive for October 13th, 2006

One Optimistic Man + Sharpie = Hair!

Found at Pictures I Like for a Variety of Reasons, Motivational poster look by Motivator....

Hubble Identified Stars with Possible Planets.

From Astronomy Picture of the Day: This crowded star field towards the center of our Milky Way Galaxy turns out to be a great place to search for planets beyond our solar system. In fact, repeatedly imagin...

Cute Mini Travel Iron.

This fully functional mini travel iron is just 3 3/4" x 2 1/2" x 3" (9.5 cm x 6.35 x 7.6 cm)!Link - via Cribcandy...

Marine Beefcake Calendar.

Freedom is Not Free, a San Diego-based nonprofit group that helps injured military service members and their families, is selling a military beefcake calendar: You may have heard about it or seen it...

Floating Nuclear Reactor: What Could Go Wrong?

From Popular Science: While the U.S. hems and haws over reviving nuclear energy as a less expensive alternative to oil, Russia has dug back 30 years in our nuclear history to find a solution for some of it...

Tongue Twisters

The First International Collection of Tongue Twisters has thousands of hard-to-say phrases in 108 languages. See if you can wrap your tongue around these: Romanian S-a suit cap...

Jelly Belly Cream Puff Christmas Tree.

Yum, Jelly Belly cream puff goodness! Here's how to make it: two of the cream puff chaser, the perfect anti-...

Cream Puff Wedding Dress.

From the website: Baker Valentyn Shtefano and his bride Viktoriya show off her wedding gown, which Shtefano made out of flour, eggs, sugar and caramel in the western Ukrainian city of Uzhhorod in Aug. 27,...

And Now, We Pause for a Unicorn Moment.

Provided as a public health service for all of the Neatorama readers who were grossed out by the horrific story about an elephant hanging Alex just posted.If this post doesn't make sense to you, it's an homage...

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