Space Tourist Returned Safely.

A couple of days ago, first female space tourist Anousheh Ansari, Russian cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov and U.S. astronaut Jeffrey Williams returned safely from the International Space Station.

Ansari had become an inspiration and an Internet superstar, due to her blog from space:

In her native Iran, Ansari has become an inspiration to many women who chafe at the country's male-dominated rule. Scores of women went to an observatory near Tehran last week to watch the space station streak across the sky at dawn. (Full story)

In a blog about her space experiences, Ansari suggested that life aboard the crowded space station could be a model for reducing tensions among people and nations on the planet. (More from her blog)

"It's sort of like on Earth, if you think about it," she wrote. "We are all connected to each other by living on the only habitable planet in the solar system; we have no place else to go, at least not for a while, so if we don't get along and blow up everything and create a mess of our home, well guess what? We have to live with it."

CNN Article | NASA Photos | Ansari's Blog - via Boing Boing, previously on Neatorama: First Woman Space Tourist Blogs

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They didn't have a warm room they could sit in???

They had to sit in a field with sleeping bags on?? Why are the Russians so nutty? Vodka can't account for all of their nuttiness.
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