Archive for September 9th, 2006

Oops, US Government Nuked North Carolina.

The scene near Mars Bluff, S.C. after a B-47 bomber accidentally dropped an unarmed nuclear bomb.On January 24, 1961, something not at all funny happened in the skies over Goldsboro, N.C. The wing of a B-52G bomber...

Russian Peasant Multiplication.

Tim Hunkin illustrated this neat little mathematical technique of multiplying numbers between 6 and 10. Give it a try: Link | See also another method at: Dr. Math...

TV Test Cards.

The Internet has got everything, including a website dedicated to television test cards. Wait, what are test cards? In the early days of television, there was a need to test the response of cameras t...

Poodle Chair.

Dutch artists Niels van Eijk and Miriam van der Lubbe made these chairs, aptly titled "Poodle." (don't miss: Soft Stove and M...

Nintendo Controller Alarm Clock.

Wake up to the soothing sounds of Super Mario Bros with this alarm clock shaped like the classic NES controller!Link - via SciFi Tech...

Cooking for 30,000 People.

How do you cook a stew for 30,000 hungry guests? With a backhoe, of course!As the centerpiece of a PR campaign to spur consumption of local agricultural products, the soup was made entirely from lo...

Rocky's Back!

From the website: Forget Apollo Creed and Ivan Drago. Rocky's greatest victory was against the Philadelphia Arts Commission.After months of debate, the commission finally voted in favor of r...

Cat Head Hamlet.

Cat Head Theater presents ... Hamlet, played by cats (specifically, cat heads!) Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Exploding Aadrvark...

Really Old Criminals.

Leave it to The Smoking Gun to compile a list of murderous, criminal, no-good senior citizens: Florida's Felonious Fogeys | Grandpa Needs a Shiv: Fogeys, Part II - via Miss Cellania...

Soap on a Roll.

This handy soap "tape" allows you to take a strip of soap that cleans and dissolves as you wash your hands!Link - via Cribcandy....

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