Bamboo Clothing.

Why bamboo clothing? Among many practical and environmental advantages, this one caught my eyes:

Bamboo clothing has particular natural anti-bacterial functions, bacteriostasis and deodorization value. Its test results shows over 70% death rate after bacteria was incubated on bamboo fibre fabric. In addition, tests by the Japanese Textile Inspection Association found that, even after fifty times of washing, bamboo fabric still possessed these functions.
Therefore all our products are guaranteed to be odour resistant, staying fresher for longer, because the fabric – naturally - stops bacteria from spreading. As a result, they’re also healthier and more hygienic.

Link - via Sharkride

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Everyone seems to be profusely praising the merits of bamboo fabric, but it all sounds like the advertising copy. I bought a T-shirt at a local store to try it out because of its novelty and the eco-talk. However, I found that the fabric of the shirt started breaking down under the arms within a few months, far sooner than cotton ever did. I think some real-world testing may be needed before everyone jumps on the bandwagon.

Rev. John Missing
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