Tap Open ANY Locked Door.

Do you feel safe behind locked doors? Think again: Barry Wels explains an unbelievable security flaws in locks and why you can open almost any locked door by using a bumpkey in seconds with no skills at all.

Link - via digg

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Right - First I tried to get a set off of e-bay as #1 Aleki said. The keys I got were pretty bad. I actually had to file them down myself to make them work - which is pretty sad. The next set I got from http://www.bumpkey.us The keys worked. I did have to file the tip and shoulder down but that was to be expected.

It's almost a little too easy. I mean - you really don't know who is buying these little guys.
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Interviewer: "How long have you been opening locks?"
Guy: "About 12 years"
Interviewer: "Whats your opinion about this"
Guy: "It's a bit boring, it requires no skills"

Me: then get another hobby you silly rotund fool.
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OMG i want one, not for breakin in to places it would help in those paranoid appocolips situations........maybe i just played oblivion too much :p....... scary stuff though
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Oh my god. Y'know, I just realized... that's a Youtube video. This vid is going out into the hands of millions of potential would-be thieves.

*slaps his forehead*. I'm getting a RFID lock.
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