Archive for June 17th, 2006

Chinese Death Van.

Remember a previous post on Neatorama on mobile gallows in Africa? Well, China took it one step further. Executions there are carried out in a more modern fashion: in a mobile execution chamber inside...

One-Legged Man is a DDR Machine!

One Leg Dance Dance Revolution. This you have to see: a one-legged man playing DDR with jaw-dropping dexterity.Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via VideoSift...

Peacock Tried to Woo Gas Pump.

For the past three years during mating seasons, a peacock named Mr. P has been strutting his stuff at a gas station in Brierly, southwest England, courting a gas pump! Ornithologists reckon he is att...

Art Judge Mistook Wood Support for Art.

David Hensel's laughing head sculpture was supposed to be displayed at the UK Royal Academy of Arts. When he went to the display, however, he only found a piece of wood used to support the head: Mr H...

World's Biggest Sperm Belongs to a Tiny Fly.

In what's got to be one of the funniest ironies of nature, the world's biggest sperm belongs to a teeny, tiny fruit fly named Drosophila bifurca. That's 1,000 times longer than an average hu...

Bacon-Flavored Water.

Molli's Choice non-carbonated water is pure, free of fluoride and chlorine, and is fortified with vitamin and nutrients for your pets. OK, so far, nothing special.Here's the kicker: the water is flavored...

Liquid Armor.

Norman Wagner at the University of Delaware and Eric Wetzel at the US Army Research Lab in Aberdeen, MD, have invented a liquid armor that may soon lead to light, flexible full-body armor.The liquid...

Configurable T-Shirt.

The idea is simple: buy a shirt with blank pixels and configure your own design with a black marker."Depending on the type of pen you use, it may wash off after a few times in the laundry. Call...

Artificial Compound Eye Lens.

Luke P. Lee at UC Berkeley (my alma mater, yay!) built an artificial compound eye with 8,700 hexagonal microlenses. He modeled it after the eyes of dragonflies and regular flies.They are the first...

Duane Flatmo's Kinetic Sculpture: Extreme Makeover.

Duane Flatmo built this awesome looking machine (bicycle?) that goes on both land and water for the Kinetic Sculpture Race.Link | CNET Article...

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