Zeon Santos's Blog Posts

Will Arnett Prank Calls A Toy Store As LEGO Batman

Thanks to the LEGO Batman franchise Will Arnett gets to be Batman's voice, and he's enjoying the gig so much he'll start being the Bat at the drop of a hat.

Will was on BBC Radio 1's The Matt Edmondson Show promoting The LEGO Batman Movie when he decided to try his hand, err voice, at Matt's AlphabetiCall challenge by prank calling a toy store. 

Each sentence Will says during the call has to start with the next letter of the alphabet, so will he be up to the challenge?

And will the toy store clerk even get that he's doing a bit, or will they just say "...okay?" like a total space cadet? Tune in and find out!

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Shower Thoughts That Will Stay With You Long After You Towel Off

Why do the greatest thoughts, ideas and epiphanies pop into our heads while we're taking a shower?

It must be something about water flowing over our bodies and the rainlike sound of the flow that frees our minds to wander and lets us think more clearly, without distractions.

(Via PixelConnoisseur)

It has gotten to the point where I'm thinking about buying a waterproof headset so I can record my thoughts before I inevitably forget them all after I towel off.  

If you don't have enough shower thoughts of your own and you're looking to add more random sentences to your brain you should check out the Showerthoughts subreddit and feed your head!

(Via marchofmimes)

My shower thoughts are equal parts design ideas, snippets of fiction and strange observations about life ala Jack Handey's Deep Thoughts, what are your shower thoughts like?

See These Shower Thoughts Will Stay With You Long After The Suds Are Gone here and the bonus 20 Mind-Blowing Shower Thoughts That'll Make You Laugh here

These Dogs Are Unimpressed By Zero Gravity Environments

People generally get a thrill out of floating around in a zero-g environment, but dogs clearly don't get the same thrill.

I guess digging zero-g is a human thing, because according to the dog in this video shared by Imgur user IAmtheDenmarkian the whole weightlessness thing sucks...especially when gravity returns.

(YouTube Link)

And, in case you were wondering, space dogs think zero gravity environments suck too, because they don't get why humans want to float around in a giant metal space tube when there aren't any snacks.

-Via Travel + Leisure

What's The Difference Between Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin And Aleve?

Non-prescription pain relievers are a bit like cola in that they're often referred to by one name, and where I live people usually ask for either aspirin or Tylenol even if they want Bayer, Aleve or Advil.

Others have reported a similar lack of brand name usage, with aspirin being the most universally used name for pain relievers, but is there really much of a difference between the brands?

Turns out there really is quite a difference- Tylenol is acetaminophen, which is best for headaches and not so good for joint pain.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) can help with light pain but also helps lower the risk of heart attack and stroke when a small dose is taken every day. It's also murder on your guts, liver and kidneys.

(Image Link)

For heavy pain you want either Advil, Motrin or Aleve- Advil and Motrin are ibuprofen, which is good for hangovers, menstrual cramps, earaches, toothaches and sore or injured muscles but not so good for a headache.

Aleve is naproxen, which takes a while to kick in but works great for people with moderate to severe chronic pain, such as a lasting headache or pain associated with arthritis.

Read more about What's The Difference Between Tylenol, Aspirin, Advil and Aleve at mental_floss

Surreal Dolls With A Dark Fantasy World Inside Them

Collectors don't normally care enough about what's inside their doll's bodies to go digging, but curious kids will often perform a little surgery on their plushies and dollies just to see what they're made of.

They slice it open to find fluff, pellets or some other sort of filling, if anything at all, but imagine their surprise if they cut open a doll and discovered a tiny fantasy world inside.

These utterly fantastic dolls created by fantasy dollmaker Mari Shimizu are beautiful in every way, from their perfect paint jobs to the mysterious and creepy scenes playing out in their innards.

-Via Dangerous Minds

Vancouver Man Who Vanished 5 Years Ago Found Barefoot In The Amazon

(Image Link)

People end up lost or missing for a number of reasons, but it usually boils down to either kidnapping, death or because they wanted to get lost.

Anton Pilipa was declared missing by his family when he seemingly vanished in 2012, but he wasn't kidnapped and he certainly isn't dead- he just decided to take a walk from Vancouver to The National Library of Buenos Aires.

(Image Link)

His family feared the worst because Anton is schizophrenic, but Anton made it all the way to the National Library in Buenos Aires on foot- where he was sent away because he had no ID.

Then Anton walked barefoot to Brazil and lived in the Amazon rainforest for years, where he was taken into custody by a Canadian-born Brazilian policewoman who initially thought he was a beggar.

She was able to work with a few international agencies and embassies and track down Anton's family, who flew down to bring him home.

He described how he survived by picking fruits and berries, scrounging for food and clothes in the trash, and relying on the generosity of strangers.

But that’s not to say times weren’t tough. Anton started off with a small bag of belongings but was robbed of what little he did have on several occasions.

While walking 800km alone through the dangerous Amazon jungle, filled with poisonous spiders, snakes, caiman – which can grow up to 6m long – and jaguar, all his toenails dropped off.

Yet, while he met some "bad people" on his incredible 10,000 mile journey, he said he had "received more generosity, especially in recent times."

"I've never felt alone,' he said. "It's been a lot of thinking for years, sleeping in the open. It's very simple to live, we do not need many things."

Read This Man Vanished 5 Years Ago And Was Found Two Continents Away here

The Evolution Of Keanu Reeves In The Movies

Keanu Reeves is still kicking ass in Hollywood thirty one years after his debut in Youngblood, and during that time he has played so many different types of characters it's hard to pin him down.

Keanu played an iconic stoner dude in the Bill & Ted's franchise, a hacker turned cyberwarrior in The Matrix franchise, a cop, a detective, a fancypants, a junkie and even Lord Buddha himself! (Video is NSFW due to language)

(YouTube Link)

This video by Burger Fiction takes you through the evolution of Keanu Reeves one clip at a time, from those early mellow dude days to the aggressive action hero we love to watch today.

-Via GeekTyrant

Love Letters Written By Celebrities And Historical Figures

Everyone uses the internet to meet new people these days, and online dating has virtually replaced the old dating scene in every way, but this convenience is killing one element of courtship- the love letter.

Out of the depths of my happy heart wells a great tide of love and prayer for this priceless treasure that is confined to my life-long keeping.

You cannot see its intangible waves as they flow towards you, darling, but in these lines you will hear, as it were, the distant beating of the surf.

If you've ever sent and/or received a love letter then you know this is a terrible loss, and an email or instant message simply can't express the way you feel like a handwritten letter sealed with a kiss.

I don't know how to tell you just how much I miss you. I love you till my heart could burst. All I love, all I want, all I need is you — forever. I want to be just where you are and be just what you want me to be. I know it's lousy of me to be so late so often, and I promise to try a million times harder, I promise.

Love, Marilyn

Maybe these love letters written by Mark Twain to Olivia Langdon, Marilyn Monroe to Joe DiMaggio and Orson Welles to Rita Hayworth can help revive this dying art form, and we can use the internet to buy stamps instead!

Dearest Angel Girl:

...I suppose most of us are lonely in this big world, but we must fall tremendously in love to find it out. The cure is the discovery of our need for company -- I mean company in the very special sense we've come to understand since we happened to each other -- you and I. The pleasures of human experience are emptied away without that companionship -- now that I've known it; without it joy is just an unendurable as sorrow. You are my life -- my very life. Never imagine your hope approximates what you are to me. Beautiful, precious little baby -- hurry up the sun! -- make the days shorter till we meet. I love you, that's all there is to it.

Your boy,


Read 14 Famous Love Letters- Love Notes Written By Celebrities And Historical Figures here

Awesome Chainsaw Art By Simon O'Rourke

Chainsaw art began in the 1950s but really came into its own as an art form in the 1980s, when Art Moe showed off his carving skills at the nationally televised Lumberjack World Championships.

Since then many chainsaw carvers have stepped up to the trunk in an attempt to prove they're a cut above the rest, but when it comes to subject matter most of them lack any sort of range.

That's what makes Simon O'Rourke a real ace in my book- he carves out cool sculptures both traditional and fantastic, creating realistic sculptures of animals, angels, wizards, faeries and the occasional 'toon.

Simon has even been known to carve a sculpture into the side of a tree or two, turning the forest into an art gallery frequented mainly by birds and squirrels.

See I Create Detailed Wooden Sculptures Carving Them With A Chainsaw here

The Snow Monsters Of The Hakkoda Mountains

Each year the Snowmen of the Hakkoda Mountains line up like an icy army ready to march down and take over Japan, as hundreds of snowy forms populate the slopes of this winter wonderland.

Some see them as frozen monsters, others think of them as ghosts made solid by the frosty air, but they're actually fir trees covered in a thick blanket of snow.

Photographer Sho Shibata likes to explore the Hakkodas in the dead of winter and shoot pictures of the bleak beauty all around him, but since this range is so remote he makes sure to bring a few friends along for the trek.

-Via Travel and Leisure

Music Student Transcribes Song On Character's Butt In "The Garden Of Earthly Delights"

There are a lot of wicked details to be found in the Heironymus Bosch triptych The Garden Of Earthly Delights, but a music student from Oklahoma named Amelia Hamrick saw something scribbled on a butt that caught her eye.

It was sheet music that Amelia felt sure she could transcribe into an actual song, so she analyzed the character's behind and put together a cheeky little tune from Hell.

Listen to the song here

This kleine hineymusik isn't anything great, but transcribing sheet music found in a painting is a great idea! 

(YouTube Link)

Read more about Hieronymus Bosch's 500-Year-Old Butt Song From Hell here

WETA Workshop Sculptor Shows Off Incredible Prototype For "Labyrinth" Board Game

Artists, crafters and writers who become obsessed with board games often wonder if they can make their own game, and I've heard some great ideas from my many gamer friends over the years.

But theory and execution are two very different matters, and creating miniatures, art for the game and the perfect playing surface is really hard- unless you're a WETA Workshop artist like Johnny Fraser-Allen.

Johnny is a lifelong Jim Henson fan and sculptor who is working on a 3D board game based on Labyrinth, which he was happy to share with Adam Savage on this episode of Tested.

(YouTube Link)

-Via GeekTyrant

Massive Final Fantasy VII Snow Sculpture From The Sapporo Snow Festival

This year the skilled snow sculptors at the Sapporo Snow Festival chose to go old school by creating a massive homage to the classic SquareENIX RPG Final Fantasy VII.

The fifty-foot-tall diorama featured an incredibly detailed depiction of Cloud Strife and Sephiroth squaring off, and by some snowy miracle the sculpture stayed in place and didn't turn into an AVALANCHE.

-Via Nerd Approved

Fun Comics That Explain How To Do Stuff

It's a wonder anybody knew how to do anything before the internet, but now that we're all able to look up tutorials and whatnot online 24 hours a day there's no excuse for not knowing how to do stuff.

So if you don't know how to watch videos online, get to sleep effectively or appreciate the beauty of nature you can just go online and find info on subjects ranging from practical everyday to esoteric.

But if your attention span is too short to handle all that reading and research don't worry! These comics by Sanesparza will explain it all to you as simply as possible, often with as few words as possible, so you can get back to living life to the fullest!

See 10+ Fun Comics That Explain How To Do Things here (NSFW language)

Pop Culture's Best In Show For Every Breed

I can't watch the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show without wondering about dog breeds, or more specifically why breeds look the way they do.

That's because dogs are often defined by the look of their breed, and we assume certain things about their temperament and even give them a basic personality profile based on their breed.

But dog breeds get to break free of these generalities when they're featured in pop culture, and breeds we assume are weak, like the Maltese or the Pomeranian, are made mighty by the gods of geekdom.

I never want to go near a Pomeranian again after seeing this cute little guy in Blade: Trinity!

Pop culture franchises also do a really good job of turning killer dog breeds into total lovers, which is a much more realistic transition. Remember that vicious pit bull Backup in Veronica Mars?

Yeah, he was a real brute, just like that vicious German Shepherd Samantha from I Am Legend or that angry and violent Bullmastiff Butkus from Rocky.

Of course, some breeds have a hard time burying the bad rep they gain from starring in movies and TV shows, like poor Cujo the Saint Bernard who became the stuff of nightmares for all 80s kids. 

See Our Favorite Pop-Culture Dogs For Every Breed here

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