A Cool Looking Countertop Aquarium Designed Just For Jellyfish

Jellyfish look beautiful while swimming along under the sea, but you usually can't (or don't want to) get close enough to really appreciate their beauty in person.

And watching video footage of them just isn't the same, so how can a jellyfish lover enjoy all that squiggly, squirmy jellyfish fun up close and personal in the comfort of their own home?

They can bring home a JellyTank- a 5-gallon aquarium made just for jellyfish, with colorful, and remote controlled, LED lights that make their gelatinous bodies glow in really cool ways.

It also features "mechanical and biological filtration system" that won't suck the poor jellyfish up into it, and even comes with a Moon Jellyfish to start you off.

JellyTank from Media Whale on Vimeo.

-Via Fatherly

At $199 to start with plus $20 per jellyfish and the starter kit this aquarium which is only 5 gallons is pretty pricey. And let's not forget the filter replacements. *ouch*
Guess I'll stick to sea monkeys (that never hatch)!
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