A Beautiful Cat Sleeping

The most beautiful cat in the world? I don’t know, but he sure is fetching. And even more interesting when he’s asleep.

These pictures were rearranged by redditor shayne9512 from a series posted by BitterRaven, but we don’t know who the original photographer is. This cat introduced me to a subreddit called Animals Being Derps, which I will have to visit again.

OMG! The cat has beautiful eyes and truly is a lovely animal. I was not expecting the cat to look so atrocious while it was sleeping! Made me laugh out loud.

I had a dog that would drool and let slip the tongue of war - er, sorry - let her tongue loll about and slobber while dreaming. She was also quite proficient in passing gas, but that's another story not needing to be retold.

The funniest time was when the dog was fully awake and sitting right behind the cockerpoo. Both were staring at me, waiting for their treats. The big dog's tongue started to go south, ever so slowly. How I wish I'd had a camera to record that! The cockerpoo just stayed where she was and slowly, but surely, the big dog's tongue ended up resting on the top of the cockerpoo's head and continued sliding down... down... over her eyes and on to the tip of her nose. The smaller dog refused to move and lose her place in front of me but she made it known through her growls and groans that she was NOT happy.
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