Strange Violet Beauregarde Inspired Blueberry Inflation Video

You're probably aware of Internet Rule 34 if you've spent enough time online, but in case you're not familiar Rule 34 states "if it exists there IS porn of it", because the internet.

Since this rule has proven to be true time and again it's no surprise that Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory has been the subject of porn and fetish parodies.

But fetish video company TaylorMadeClips chose to make some really strange videos based on an odd scene from the movie- the scene where Violet Beauregarde is transformed into a giant blueberry.

(YouTube Link)

TaylorMadeClips has created a bunch of "blueberry inflation" videos featuring a woman being transformed into a blueberry out of the blue, and surprisingly only a few of them are overtly NSFW.

And while these videos aren't exactly porn there's definitely something sick and smutty about them, so if you ever meet a self-professed fan of "blueberry inflation" tell them "You get nothing! Good day sir!"

-Via Boing Boing

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