A Group of Architects Want to Build a Real-life Minas Tirith

A group of British architects have set their sights on a lofty goal: a full-scale replica of the fortified settlement called Minas Tirith, featured heavily in the film The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. The cost of such a venture is estimated at $2.9 billion dollars.

The eventual goal would be to build 625 homes within Minas Tirith that would range from 2 star homes that would run about $625,000 to 4 star luxury homes that would cost up to $2.7 million.

If the financial goal is met, construction would be slated to begin in 2016 and finish in 2023.   The architects are eyeing two locations in Southern England for the project.

Where will they get the money? Crowdfunding! So far, they’ve raised $3600. There are 48 days left in the fundraising campaign, so they may reach the goal. And monkeys might fly out of my butt. Read more about the Minas Tirith project at Worthly. 

Looks like they are nearer their goal than you thought.
As of 8/14/15 at 9:30 PM PDT:
£67,607GBP raised by 1,716 people in 14 days . . .
Still less than 1% of their goal.

Meanwhile in Mordor . . . Orcs have raised £19GBP in 2 days to fund the destruction of Minas Tirith! So far, 0% funded of £1,000,000 GBP goal, however, with 59 days left, they might have a chance.
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Bad design. Notice there's no water tower at the top of the structure. This means that they're going to need some mighty pumps to pipe a city's worth of water up to the top of the mountain. Flushing, however, won't be a problem at all.
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