Quantifying Our Emotions After Watching A Disney-Pixar Movie

Pixar’s latest film Inside Out is leaving audiences with all kinds of feelings they’ve never felt before, and thanks to the colorful animated feature those new feelings now have a funny face.

The film is all about emotions, so it’s only natural to feel strongly about it one way or the other, but how do we quantify how all Disney-Pixar movies make us feel so other people will understand?

Why, you create an illustrated graph, of course! And that's just what the fine folks at Oh My Disney! did, using the emotion characters from Inside Out to illustrate the many different feels felt after watching a Pixar flick.

So now when your friends and family ask you what you thought of Inside Out  or any other Pixar movie you can show them one of these charts while you choke back the tears...

-Via Nerdist

I still can't get over Disney-Pixar's making one of the scariest creatures in all children's literature--the Snow Queen or Ice Queen--into someone to love. That story scared the socks off me when I was a kid.
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Who thought light-grey text on a white background was a good idea for that chart? It seems that you're not meant to actually read it.
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