James Earl Jones Used to Pretend to Be Darth Vader on the CB Radio

(Images: Lucasfilm, Alan Light)

In the original Star Wars trilogy, the British actor David Prowse played the body of Darth Vader and the American actor James Earl Jones provided the voice. Jones is known for his rich, melodious voice. No one else could have played Vader as well, nor provided a voice that is instantly recognizable.

Jones knows this, of course. He's used it to have fun with people. In an interview last January with the New York Times Magazine, Jones describes how he once used Vader's voice to fool truck drivers:

You’re never tempted to pick up the phone and pretend to be Darth Vader? I did that once when I was traveling cross-country. I used Darth as my handle on the CB radio. The truck drivers would really freak out — for them, it was Darth Vader. I had to stop doing that.

-via Brian J. Noggle

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