Surreal Animated Short - Waiter

(Video Link)

Here’s an animated short that may be the strangest short you’ve ever seen, or at least until the next time someone posts something utterly bizarre that they found online.

The short is called Waiter, and it was created by Ryoji Yamada, a Japanese animator who is clearly way too familiar with psychotropic substances. Waiter centers around an overworked waiter who delivers drinks to customers with flower heads, tube heads and one sporting a stack of three heads up top, and when the waiter decides to take a drink at work the whole thing becomes even stranger than before.

If you enjoy surreal animation, or have ever felt like you were losing your mind due to being overworked, then you'll definitely enjoy this odd little gem of a short.

Via Gizmodo

Yeah, it's surreal all right!
Reminds me of the Simpsons episode when production of "The Itchy & Scratchy Show" was shut down and Krusty was forced to run Soviet-era cartoons of "Worker and Parasite". Makes about as much sense!
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