10-Year Old Girls Breaks National Record by Doing 2,110 Sit-Ups in 90 Minutes

How many sit-ups could you do in an hour and a half? How about 10 minutes? Or just until your body gave out?

Kayleigh Bass of Kansas City, Missouri is a high-endurance sit-up producing machine. At only 10 years old, she completed 2,110 of them in 90 minutes, smashing the previous record of 2001 sit-ups. Even though she almost threw up, Kayleigh kept going until she completed this incredible goal for Project Fit America, a non-profit organization that promotes physical fitness. Fox 4 Kansas City reports:

“It’s a mind thing. If you think about it, you can do it and you’ll make it,” Kyleigh said.

Kyleigh was already on the board with 800 sit-ups but she wanted to be at the very top. So P.E teacher, Bill Lentz, helped train her to reach that goal.

“I like to think I am an active person, but I’m inspired. She’s my hero and hopefully I can work out half as hard as she does,” said Lentz.

-via Oddity Central

Um, if you'll excuse me, I recall doing my sit ups in college football and the US Army with my legs flat out straight. OK, it's still impressive.
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