Archive for October 21st, 2014

Costco To Start Carrying 93 Inch Bear Next Month

Image Credit: Claudia Augello, Johnny Sanchez, Scott Yamamura / Seattle Children’s HospitalAs if walking out of Costco with your giant tub of mayo wasn't weird (yet practical) enough, now you might find yourse...

What to Do When You See Something on the Internet You Disagree with

Occasionally, as you surf the internet, you may encounter thoughts and opinions that are different from your own. You should have a plan in place so that you can respond properly at the time. Some people feel a duty to c...

Partial Solar Eclipse Thursday

This Thursday, October 23rd, 2014, the moon will pass in front of the sun without totally blocking it out. This partial solar eclipse will be visible to almost everyone in the United States and Canada.  On the left...

Titan Attack - He's Hungry For Human!

Titan Attack by PacalinPlay the game where the fate of a kingdom lies in your you have what it takes to take down the Titans? It's Titan Attack, only in the Isayama Entertainment System. Players will take on...

Man Falls off Pier While Taking a Selfie

A reporter from a Lebanese news program is interviewing a man standing on a pier. Behind him, another fellow thinks this is a great time to take a selfie with his smartphone. Or he's trying to record the scene in front o...

20 Things You Might Not Know About The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air was broadcast from 1990 to 1996, and featured the catchiest opening theme of its era. When you look at the acclaim its star Will Smith has achieved in the field of acting -25 feature...

Geek Singularity: Benedict Cumberbatch Dressed as Sherlock, Looking at a Poster of Himself as Star Trek’s Khan

(Photo: Robert Viglasy)Obviously this should inspire a crossover in which Sherlock Holmes enters the Star Trek universe to hunt down Khan, who has escaped from his cryogenic pod.Or, alternately, Khan enters the...

Banksy's Vermeer

Banksy recently took on Dutch master of light Johannes Vermeer in this new work near the harbor in Bristol, England. See more shots of Banksy's nod to Girl With a Pearl Earring, called Gi...

IKEA Ad Recreates Danny's Big Wheel Ride from The Shining

[]YouTube LinkThis commercial for IKEA Singapore reproduces the scene from Kubrick's The Shining in which Danny rides his Big Wheel through the Overlook Hotel and runs...

How Little Girls See Barbie

People worry that Barbie dolls with their unreal figures present an unattainable ideal for a woman’s appearance, which can be stifling to a young girls’s ego. But the kids who really play with Barbies are typ...

The Fifty Weirdest Movies Ever Made

James Woods and Deborah Harry in VideodromeFlavorwire assembled a list of their nominations for the fifty weirdest films in existence. While "weird" is subjective, I think it's safe to say that the films they li...

The Modern Monster Mash

[] (YouTube link)The Key of Awesome brings us an update to the classic song “The Monster Mash,” with Frank lamenting the current state of monster movies. Too violent, too shocking,...

This Dress Is Made of Chocolate

(Photo: Splash News)This dress was made for the UK’s Chocolate Week.In other news: the United Kingdom has a Chocolate Week. What does that mean? I choose to avoid further investigation, lest it damage my fantasy of...

Marcel the Shell with Shoes On is Back!

[] (YouTube link)Marcel the Shell with Shoes On is an adorable little mollusk with one eye, two shoes, and a can-do attitude. He’s the creation of Dean Fleischer-Camp and Jenny Slate, who...

Hazard Minion - The Bedo Spells Disaster

Hazard Minion by Io VorroThe Minions had installed a new security alert system in the compound, and it was driving Gru mad! Their annoying creation sounded just like those little buggers, and the amount of accidents cau...

"Ghost" Portraits From the Early Twentieth Century

Englishman William Hope worked as a carpenter until he realized that there were scams to be performed and money to be made in fooling grief-stricken individuals and families who were desperate for a supernatural sign tha...


[] (YouTube link)The music video for Roy Kafri’s song “Mayokero” is a little different. The album covers do the singing! Well, some of the covers sing, others are beatboxing....

Fifty+ Examples of Beautiful Currency

Fiji - Fiive DollarsThere's nothing like having a wallet full of cash. Yet United States' bills are bland when compared with some of these brightly colored currencies from other countries. Filled with multicolored, detai...

Alien Director Ridley Scott To Make An Ebola Miniseries

Image Credit: Gage SkidmoreBrilliant director Ridley Scott is taking a stab at adapting the terrifying 1994 book about an Ebola outbreak called The Hot Zone into a TV minseries. Not sure if this has been gr...

A Freak Show of Baked Goods

The TV series American Horror Story: Freak Show is premiering tonight in Britain on Fox UK. To promote the show, Miss Cakehead was commissioned to bake up some ghoulish goodies! She worked with food artist Jacqu...

Where Did Last Names Come From?

[]YouTube LinkCraig from Mental Floss addresses the question "where did last names comes from" by briefly delving into the ancient history of the surname. Essentially, each reg...

KISS Garden Gnomes

Amy Lynn of Geek Crafts turned two ceramic garden gnomes into performers for the glam metal band KISS. She used sculpey, model car paint, sequins, and beads to make guitarist Gene Simmons and drummer Pet...

Are Photorealistic Video Games Possible One Day?

[](YouTube Link)I remember a few years back, sitting and playing the opening level of God of War 3 on my Playstation 3, and I thought to myself games are not going to g...

Breathe Clean With the Dyson Humidifier

Air humidifiers can be a must-have in dry winter weather, but shooting wet, still water into the air is a great way to fill your home with bacteria. The new Dyson humidifier uses a UV sanitizing light to clean 99.9% of b...

An Apology to Women

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research.(Image credit: Flickr user butupa) How to make science popular with the fair sexby Sylvester Bames, PhD.Royal Academy of the Scie...

Shreveport Fangbangers - A Sports Team You Can Really Sink Your Teeth Into

Shreveport Fangbangers by FishbiscuitWhen the strange folks who live in Shreveport decided to form their own baseball team they had a hard time deciding on a name, so they looked to fictional works that take place in th...

Foxcatcher Trailer Looks To Change The Way We See Steve Carell

[](YouTube Link)You know those moments when you see a trailer and you just know the movie will have some kind of impact on you? That is how I feel about the Foxcatcher ...

The Dos and Don'ts of Pokémon Ownership

Are you going to be a nice Pokémon trainer or an effective one? Andy Kluthe and Andrew Bridgman of Dorkly explain the stark choices that you have.  You certainly don't want your Pok...

9 People Killed By Unexpected Things That Fell From the Sky

Image Credit: HariadhiSo imagine one day you are at a fast food taco place we will call Taco Hut for legal reasons, and right before you get to take your first bite of their weird meat substitute covered in fak...

Paralyzed Artist Learns to Paint with Her Mouth

At the age of 20, Mariam Fatima Paré was an art student in college. She had a promising career ahead of her. Then she was shot in the back and left paralyzed from the neck down.[


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