sandyra's Comments

Yes! Awful, flavorless, crumbling and yet hard, dry cookies that seemed like they have been stored in those tins for decades. The only cookies bought in a cookie tin that is any good are Walker's all butter shortbread cookies, IMO.
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I don't know the size of these squares but it makes me think of a tax stamp, like some sort of proof that a bull was purchased or other items. Maybe test these blocks for some sort of ink on them? Or if these blocks are large enough to be affixed to a wall then perhaps it's a grocer's sign displaying bulls and other animals for purchase?
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Then you win the bravery award today.
When my son lived in Chins his mother in law wanted to make dog. He told his wife absolutely not to have a dinner with dog meat. Sure enough the MIL (along with his wife) made such a dish and he unknowingly ate some of it. They laughed and told him what they had done. He was livid. Being a dog and cat lover it hurt him so much to know they killed a puppy for their dinner. He divorced her because he felt he couldn't trust her after that.
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Both my parents joined the army near the end of WWII and were stationed in Germany. After the war ended my parents got married and stayed in Germany until 1951. My brother was born there and they had a German maid named Olga and a German Shepherd named Oscar. My mother's diamond for her wedding ring was bought for 3 cartons of cigarettes. America called my small family back to Boston and I was born in 52. My mother told me that after the war when they would drive through war zone areas that they saw bodies in the rubble and the Germans were forced to haul them away for burial and to clear away the rubble. She said they thought the Germans were very nice people. She had a German friend who moved to Boston, too and she had been sexually abused by the Russians after the war and she never really got over it.
Sorry, I guess I'm just rambling about nothing special.
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It's an interesting history in my family when it comes to blood pressure and other diseases - I had a cousin that had high blood pressure - 300+ over something. Drs tried repeatedly to lower it and every time she'd faint. She's in medical books, so I am told and she lived into her 90's. No heart disease, diabetes, cancers in our family. We do have bad gall bladders and arthritis. We live very long lives One great grandmother lived to 113, others lived to late 80's and late 90's. We joke that we either get killed off or stroke out when really old. Grandpa's 2nd wife killed him when he was 95. So, does that make us lucky?
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My husband does genealogy research on his ancestors and everything is in cursive and nearly impossible to decipher. I tried reading some texts and got a headache doing it.
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The year I moved to Louisiana I moved in during a hurricane with sheets of water pummeling the moving van movers for 3 straight days. A month later a wind storm blew down our internet cable and a car's tires caught the cable and ripped it out of our roof and dragged it down 3 streets. Later that year we had an actual snow storm. I had a good laugh looking at all the tiny mud, leaves and snow snowmen the kiddies made. Nice try, kids but come up north for a proper snowman. One year in Michigan the whole neighborhood made a giant snowman 18 feet high on our neighbor's lawn. Now, that's a snowman!
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My dad would eat large slabs of cold butter on bread and lots of other fatty things. His cholesterol was very high and his doctor had him get his arteries tested for blockage. The surgeon doing the procedure was furious, yelling "Why is this man even on my table? His arteries are as clear as a baby's!" My dad lived to be 89 with no heart troubles at all.
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