Comments Jeff Mann Likes

If they were to embrace it as an experience and something for entertainment worthy of charging admission for, they would need to bump up the entertainment factor, like with performers, speakers, exhibits, food, drinks, social stuff, that kind of thing. I've been to things like holiday markets where you paid admission to shop, but they added a lot to the event besides just the shopping part.

And they should waive the fee if you buy something of a decent value. Like if it cost you a two buck cover to get in, you could get your two bucks back at the register if you spent at least 10 bucks.

Or it could be done like a club type thing, too. You could pay so much to become a member of the club, and then you could browse and partake of the whole rest of the experience for free (or a lot of the things free, some premium with a discount for members, some members only). And the rest of the public could pay the cover to partake as guests. If it were more club-like it would help encourage folks to really feel more a part of it, and to make sure and buy there more loyally,too. It would be more of a community, a scene, than just a retail environment.
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As Thomas Sowell says, "Each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians, who must be civilized before it is too late." My experience as a parent has only affirmed this sentiment.
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It's mighty nice for a restaurant to do something like this. On the other hand, it's sad that good behavior in a restaurant is so uncommon as to stand out from the crowd.
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" kids are unpredictable."

I have to agree with Jeff. Children's behavior isn't unpredictable; without the proper parental influence children will be badly behaved.
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  • Member Since 2013/01/21



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