Izzy 13's Comments

Hi Haylee,
If I were you I would write her a note, or asking her if you can just talk to her for a minute. If she thinks your iresponcable she obviosly thinks that for a reason. Maybe you could try helping her out like if you have any younger siblings help out with them, or try and tidy up the house sometime. One thing that you could say that really helps me get along with my mum is "Is there anything I can do to help you?" I would try that. If it doesn't work then maybe just keep some distance from her. Try that, if it doesn't work tell me :)
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My parents will not trust me with anything, there is a safe in our house and when I asked them what the code was I thought that they would tell me without hesitating, but of course my Mom just said that it wasn't "appropite" for me to know, I asked her why and she just said that we will talk about it some other time. And of course, that other time will be never. Why doesn't she just tell me, I am her daugter, I thought that we trusted each other with evrything, but once agian I thought wrong. Another thing is that we had some friends over for dinner and suddenly my Mom and a few other people started laghing, I asked my Mom what she was laghing about and she just said "It's a grown-up joke. I thought that she loved me with all my heart and would never say anything like that to me, a few months ago she told me everything and she said that there were no secrets kept from us kids and her, so why won't she tell me? It's not that I really want to know the password for the safe. My problem is that I feel she doesn't tell me everything anymore. There have been no events that have occourd to make her lose my trust. So why won't she tell me?
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