Craig L 1's Comments

Of course, this makes Pi Day an almost exclusively American holiday, since the rest of the world put the day BEFORE the month when writing dates. (That was why I could celebrate 11/12/13 TWICE). As for next year's Super Pi Day, since 3.14159 actually rounds up to 3.1416, wouldn't that be the year after next? Aw, heck, let's do it twice.
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I find myself surprised that I haven't previously seen "Dogtor Who" with canines, since artists have already given us "Doctor Mew" with cats, "Doctor Hoo" with owls, and bunnies with no pun; the artist just called them The Velveteen Doctors. Now we need somebody to complete the set of Doctor Who Ducks (and appropriately name them Ducktor Who)... and how about Doctor (Kanga)Roo? or Doctor Moo? The possibilities are - well - bigger on the inside.
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It's worth noting to those not clicking through to the pictures that most of the better #davecalls show them holding something that is NOT a phone to their ears. Toothpaste tube, pizza, an (ouch) iron.

And everyone knows this is who Dog was actually talking to...
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I thought the issue of Roquefort vs. plain-old-Blue cheese was a long-settled deal and you couldn't call it Roquefort unless it came from that Roqueforty place...

As for some other name 'adjustments', you can change Muenster to Munster... even put Fred Gwynne's face on the package...
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Not to disagree with Think Progress, but I'm not sure how "blue" some of the new states would be, with large swaths of "agricultural California" sharing statehood with a divided-up "liberal Bay Area". It still looks like gerrymandering to me. I can see at least 2 of the new states as deep purple, with one Republican Senator and one Democrat (which the whole state used to do, because, you know, 'we were just being fair').
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Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists are too large to govern. And it's no coincidence that this plan will create 10 more Senate seats, at least 6 of which will go to the GOP. This is gerrymandering at its worst and as blatantly partisan as the initiatives promoted by Darrel Issa before he became California's most corrupt Congresscritter. I see a bright political future for Draper, long after this gets rejected by the people who vote.
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I was disappointed the site didn't auotplay the AC/DC song "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap", but then, they aren't cheap. Maybe Steely Dan's "Dirty Work" with some altered lyrics...

"You're a fool to do your own Dirty Work, oh no...
Let us do all of your Dirty Work, oh yeah..."

I do jingles for all kinds of semi-legal businesses...
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I'd say that Daft Punk, the Earons and every other pop/rock act that kept their faces hidden 'borrowed' the idea from The Residents whose most memorable 'helmets' were in the form of giant eyeballs. Everything after that was "yeah, big deal"...
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You and your artists have achieved an incredible catalog of every possible pop-culture mashup... I mean Joy Division and Pokemon? That's a Venn Digram with a teenytiny overlap. Also a little late for "Brianweenie" since MacFarlane and company already resurrected him (a great concept with a very short shelf life). But you can't cover the field like you do without a few things dropping off the ends of the earth... great stuff!
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This is so scarily coincidental to a weird publicity thing that Chipotle has just announced... a satirical video miniseries about "industrial agriculture" and a formula to make cattle feed out of petroleum... that results in "Exploding Cows"! "Farmed and Dangerous". Yes, I know these cows were just farting naturally, but still...
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I've been following this comic for a while and have become absolutely certain that the title "Statistic Fact" is intended VERY ironically. So feel free to make future attributions appropriately (via [supposedly] Statistical Fact).
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