lordjim's Comments

ObsidianPunk is right. Give them some credit--99% of what they do and know isn't apparent to you or me. What we do see can seem obvious or simple because someone along the line simplified it for general consumption.

And just because it all seems simple doesn't mean it is. This is true in any job that requires any knowledge or skill. Carpenters may hammer a nail and make it look easy. A novice may think it's easy, but will either bend the nail, smash their thumb or put the nail in the wrong place. End of detour.

Notice he talks about particle effects. Not being a scientist, I'd guess this means it's not about individual drivers, but a mass of cars behaving in a particular way, regardless of drivers. What can we do with this information? The same thing scientists do with hydrodynamics I suppose. Learn how particles/molecules behave moving through a pipe and you figure out how to make it go smoother.

MoonCake, the article wasn't talking about accidents clogging up traffic. It was about jams for no apparent reason.
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similar story… when i was in 4th grade, we had a class mouse that was white. we decided on “spooky” because he was a white mouse.... we got lots of parent complaints because it was too close to “spook,” a common racial slur against black people way back when.

To everyone else who thinks the that the English teacher's punishment is cruel and unusual, that's something to think about. Everyone has a rule that's 'absurd' to someone else. Don't call them barbarians. After all, the response to 'spooky' could be termed uneducated, uncultured, secretly racist, etc.

If you live in another person's country, you follow their rules, however strange they may seem. In some countries, cops say please, in others, they taser you. Some countries make flying easy, while others treat you like a potential terrorist because you happen to be the wrong color. Some countries give you a talking to for having drugs, others hang you. Barbaric? Uncivilized?

Consider this too: if you poked a sleeping lion, do you blame the lion for mauling you? That's the way things are, and you either learn the rules or you pay the price. So certainly she should have known better.

BTW, I don't support the punishment.
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