badedukation's Comments

And it's good to know that there are apparently two types of television viewers: GOOD HBO SHOW VIEWERS THAT ARE SMARTER THAN TWO AND A HALF MEN VIEWERS and TWO AND HALF MEN VIEWERS. Nice.

Frankly, this show looks almost like some sort of mirror-mirror universe version of TWO AND HALF MEN to me. ...and I don't mean that in the good goatee way either, but in the stabby-stabbity kill everyone to get ahead way.
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Because spending an hour of my life every week listening to fictional people whine about their fictional problems seems like a great way to spend my off time from work where I spend my whole day listening to real life people ask me to solve their real life problems. Very appealing!

Frankly, if it were douche bag frat boys and the show was called "Boys" I would also avoid spending an hour of my own life listening to fictional people whine about their fictional lives.

I stopped going to see "drama" films nearly a decade ago because of this same issue. Paying money or using time to basically see actors acting out day-to-day life crap isn't enlightening or entertaining. If it is either one of those things to you then you aren't pay attention to your own world around you very well on a daily basis. If you can afford premium cable (and let me guess, you're watching it on a minimum 42" flat panel HD television) and the time to watch a show like this, then I suppose these people's problems must seem very important to you in some way and that it is enlightening or in some very schadenfreude way it is entertaining. But once you've seen a movie or television show like this a few times, you really start to wonder what the point of such television is. To reflect back on the self? Fine, if that's what you need for your own intellectual development then good on you. That's for you.

Some of us can't afford premium television and time to sit down and watch dramedy drivel. I canceled all my cable to save money. And I am happy to be able to to a fun, mindless romp of a movie or one that has some visual spectacle to it a few times a year when a family member visits and is willing to babysit.

Moreover, I dont even know who the hell you are talking about that makes this show. Did the person make an action movie or a scifi movie or a horror movie? No? Then I hardly care. Those are the fun genres and on the whole end up having a lot more to say than "important" shows about middle-class white people trying to get their shit together and whining to their friends about how they can't get their shit together.

I just don't care about watching crap like this at all. Not a single thing you listed is why, either.

Put 'em on a spaceship, though, and maybe give me a space lizard and I'm there.
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The ever continuing conversation of "Things used to be better when the men were men and the women were women! The good ol' days of misogyny and acceptable wife beating! Oh how I miss them! And men FEELING things? It's an abomination! The only thing men should be feeling is cheap lager or whiskey sliding down their throats and more than exciting enough missionary position sex!" Blah, blah, blah.

And if it was turning the kid gay, what the hell difference would it make to anything anyway? It only makes a difference to a bunch of hateful people that can't see the world beyond their own noses. And when the world shows itself for something that isn't a little booger in that nose of theirs they twist and contort themselves into a frenzy of hatefulness that they call "common sense" and "the good old days" and "traditional values" or any other insipid monstrosity of innocent words that are drenched in the blood of beaten people throughout the ages.

That these insipid things are a vocal minority is the only thing we can be glad of. They are, sadly, a loud and powerful minority, desperate and struggling to stay in the spotlight and to have power in a government that they hate anyway simply to continue to perpetuate their irrational hated of anything and everything that they don't understand.

Lucky for us, even in the US, they are dying breed. Yes, they are loud, but yes they are dying. Each generation they lose more people that buy into their thinking.
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My guess is that she was inspired by this:

Same principle. She probably enjoyed it lifted the idea.

Why do this over email? Well, facial expressions for one thing. They deliver more of what you are actually feeling.

I side with her. Burning a few bridges along the way isn't the smartest thing to do, but sometimes it's the right thing to do.

I've been in workplaces equally as degrading for different reasons, and there has been at least one that I walked out on in the middle of a meeting (rehired by someone in that meeting at a later date in a different division).

I suppose for me I wonder just how bad the abusive environment is that she felt that doing this was only appropriate level of response to the situation. I've watched people who would have easily been justified with this level of response leave normally with a resignation letter and then get treated like they were being fired, so for those of you here lucky enough to work somewhere that's decent enough that you find this to be a hyperbolic overreaction just count yourselves lucky that you're not in a place that makes you ever feel like this is the level of response necessary just to leave.
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Accurate. Mikos: Formal BS is often there as part of explanation which is sometimes the only tool someone lower in the ladder has. You cant rely on your position and argument from authority is you are lower in the hierarchy, you must make your case and therefore you must be able to present the formal case, like it or not. Otherwise you will be subject to "You just said X and didn't back it up." from your supervisors. You can't assume that you are going to be given the same amount of leeway as they have when it comes to communications. They aren't communicating like that because they always have done that, they are doing it because they can now and because they basically are the top level responsible party for yes/no decisions. Argumentation in a hierarchy works upwards. The boss doesn't need to justify shit to you, but you have to justify everything to the boss.
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I must admit, I know and work with many people larger than these folks. They are not that big.

They don't have farmers' markets in the UK to get cheap veggies?

I use the term "lazy" very conservatively, as I know a lot of people have genuine issues, but I have to say that these folks really fit the word.

You guys are LAZY. Go out for a walk! Sweat a little. A LITTLE. Huff and puff some. Feel strained! That's the point of exercise! Change your fatty food laden eating habits just a little.
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