randell's Comments

for those of you who say solomon was the richest man in history you are wrong. the bible never states no man will ever be come richer it states he was the richest man in the world when he was alive.. not before or since.. solomon took in 666 talons a year in taxes.. which is around 500 tons of gold over his entire reign according to history alexander the great took over a 1000 tons of gold from the city of susa alone.. therefor he is richer then solomon was..500 tons of gold is alot of money but no where near as rich as any of the men on this list
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first off all i got to say that some of you are pathetic for instance this list is not worlds richest families its histories richest man and those of you who said that solomon was he wasnt he had collected 666 talents a year which over a 30 year reign would have been respectivily around 500 tons of gold which at 800 plus dallars per ounch thats in the billions but not hundreds of billions . alexander the great was so wealthy that he took from susa over 1100 tons of gold and that wasnt in a 30 year reign that was from one city
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