WallyBallou's Comments

I live a few minutes from the epicenter in central VA, and it scared the bejeepers out of me. I have lived in VA for almost 60 years, and never felt a real earthquake before. How was I to know it was "only" 5.9 when it was happening? The intensity increased for about 30 seconds and then stopped dead.

Sneer on, Californians. I wish LA could get a 18-inch snowstorm. I'm sure they would take that in stride.
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She is full of it. Starbucks policy is not to hassle people about the stupid names for things. I have never ordered a "tall" or "vente" coffee - I always ask for large or medium - never hassled or corrected once. Why does whether you want butter or cheese matter so much to this clown? If you go to Joe's Diner and order a cuppa joe, and Balnche the waitress says "cream or sugar?" would you make a big speech about not having to specify what you DIDN'T want? If so, Blanche and Joe would likely bounce you on the sidewalk, and you would deserve it.

In any case, she shares my Jerk of the Week award with the JetBlue clown.
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For a definitive look at mad scientists and mad science in the movies (and much besides) check out real-life Aussie scientist Liz Kinglsey's site "And You Call Yourself a Scientist"

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I know I'm a crank, but if I liked the movie at all, I will watch through all the credits. If the ushers don't like it, I really don't care. It's part of the movie, as far as I am concerned. Usually, but not always, unrewarding but who wants to rush off after a movie, anyway?

And of course, I have seen ALL those little end-of-credits surprises that most people miss.
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It's an amphibian, in any case. You can see the tails and what looks like feathery external gills on some of them. Salamanders, newts, toads and frogs all have larvae generally like that.
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