GeekMan's Comments

It's also possible that the song has some other roots in Israeli society. Since a number of Jewish people came to Israel from Soviet or ex-Soviet states, they might be familiar with the song. So it would (excuse the expression) strike a chord both with the old crowd, the young internet-using crowd, and just be incredibly catchy for everyone else.

Seems like marketing gold to me.
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"Why God, Why?" Seriously? This is the sort of format I'd expect from a Cracked top 5 list, served with a healthy dose of tongue-in-cheek.

Popular Science: lowering the bar of science journalism for over a century.
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I second Carpus. Canadian confederation occurred in 1867. However, the author seems to be lumping Canada's independence in with the Statute of Westminster (1931) which granted many colonies independence and affirmed Canada's independence. However, very few historians will see the Statute of Westminster as having anything to do with Canadian independence. Frankly, the most likely second place answer you will get is the signing of the constitution in 1981.
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@Dax: Ummm...

"A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function." (via Wikipedia)
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While I'm glad that you see less wrong with this particular scenario, I'm nonetheless dismayed by the attitude of your post. I can agree that pharmaceuticals such as ritalin and antidepressants are over-perscribed in our society, I feel strongly that mental illnesses are VASTY under-diagnosed.

In our culture, we still labour under the pretence that if you can't SEE an illness, it must be imaginary. "He doesn't want to work because he's lazy." or "There's nothing wrong with that girl that a quick cuff across the face won't fix."

Depression, chronic fatigue, attention-deficit disorder are real diseases that are doubly hard to cope with due to the lack of sympathy its sufferers must endure. For many, drugs (including typically recreational drugs such as cannabis) are the only hope for a normal life. I'd rather live in a system where those treatments are readily available than one where even doctors scoff at me.
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