camusapprentice's Comments


Counsilman Hector Delagado is responsible for internal affairs. Yes thats an efficient use of time, maybe because he heard that people are uncomfortable because they feel like they are walking into a bedroom, not a mayors office?

You cant rent out a store in a strip mall and live there. You cant get elected as mayor and just live in the office. Them's the facts. If a mayor is illegally living in her office, id hope a counsil person is there to document and report it!
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oh, ya, 2 and 3, if they were really pyramid schemes, this article did not sufficiently explain why. You think wells fargo bases their interest on anything but what was deposited yesterday when the stocks are down?

Those seemed like 2 examples of individuals creating viable banking solutions, and the powers of the time cracking down on them. I mean, if there were any more banks, maybe a 700 billion dollar "bailout" payday wouldnt yeild a full 10billion dollars to the ceos of those banks who have feverishly worked for the past 8 years to stuff their closets with cash whilst raping an entire country of any degree of wealth we held.
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You say that these are pyramid schemes, the first one definately is.

2, 3,

4 is a pyramid scheme... and wait, how did he become filthy rich if he was in prison for his crimes... or did he use his illegally accrued finances to get himself out to find jt and the boys?

7) while this one is quite despicable, it isn't a pyramid scheme, its capitalism. A pyramid scheme denotes that there is no REAL product being sold. This article states that he was in 80000 pharmacies. Does rhino horn work as an aphrodisiac? I don't think so, but it doesn't change the fact that you can sublet production to "franchise" farmers, sell the product, and turn a profit.

and social securty? now that you mention it, ya, its a pyramid scheme. Im happy Obamas in, because he is more tolerant of socialism like FDR was. It was what screwed social security. FDR left office, and then year later, Regan started a broken America, where cost sored, but income nearly vanished. Bush & Bush have kept this idiotic idea alive. I dont get the morons that vote Red. Conservatism has its merits, but Regan, Bush, and Bush are Neo-cons, not conservatives. Bill almost got the budget balanced, worked on healthcare, worked to lower inflation, then the country elected dick-head.

If obama moves forward with his plans for universal (socialized) healthcare, America might FINALLY once more be moving in the right direction, and maybe then the social security that has been taken from me without choice my entire adult life could possibly be NEAR sustainable for my retired life. The key part though, getting the insane cost of healthcare almost down to the floor, and within the next 3 years or so before social security collapses altogether.
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Ill say this much. Hugh Jackman is an incredible actor. Yes, he has that many levels of expressing anger he also has the same eclectic ability for many other emotions.

But in the end, he doesnt need any more. The man can go to his grave a god for what he has given us in the form of wolverine alone.
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I would have a problem with that because I think it should remain a human right to own a living space away from work.

If this mayor is LIVING in her office this means one of 2 things:

1)she is such a screw up as a mayor, and her budget is SOOOOOOO off balance that she had to remove herself from the payroll to help keep her city from going bankrupt.


2) she is so flipping insane that she doesnt WANT her own living space.

Im sorry, its just inappropriate. You might have a nice face that can get votes, but are you mentally capable of being the mayor of a city?

My guess for her is no.
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