Alex Fear's Comments

Hypothetically-- what if God was to cure an amputee but that person lost their limb again years later?

What causes cancer (it's not smoking because people who don't smoke can get cancer)? Until we really know the answers to some of these mysteries we cannot really verify whether a miracle took place.. or what causes something to disappear... and reappear again.
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That's a miscategorisation. Wisdom has always been available, whereas knowledge is built upon.

Perhaps the saddest aspect is not the rate of gathering wisdom, but the weight of importance placed upon wisdom, and on those who choose to apply it.
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I said nothing about Genesis or the great flood. I didn't say anything to try and convince people, I was simply trying to inform, as you no doubt do with Science. Historically Judaism predates Christianity, and it was Jews who committed those acts, not Christians.

Of course there are people who have cloaked themselves in Christianity to justify their own atrocious acts since, just as those have used other ideologies like Marxism to accomplish evil.

Glad to see you are fighting back against your persecution... and abusing religion in support of your views.

Sorry if my presence here makes you feel as though you face eternal pain, anger and accusations of being amoral.

I guess two wrongs DO make a right!
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Lot of OT bashing going I notice.

For the record the OT was before Jesus, before Christianity (and Islam for that matter) that's the Jewish religion of whose people committed those acts of 'genocide'. It doesn't matter that the people God ordered them to destroy were sacrificing their own children, rapists and such.

So I guess anyone who has a problem with the Old Testament needs to find some Jewish people and have a go at them.

On the short end of it, Jesus came along to clarify the law of the OT. He came along to say 1) The law is right and must be obeyed but 2) It's more important to show mercy.

eg. not unlike a traffic cop who lets you off a speeding ticket because of extenuating circumstances. Those who followed Jehova before Jesus were simply following the rules without applying discretion, without realising it was their choice all along if they executed someone according to the law or showed mercy according to what God was always after.

This is a watered down explanation for those who fear what they don't understand.
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Exorcism is not strictly limited to Catholicism and in answer to Ty above, why not do some research into an apostle by the name of Smith Wigglesworth.

Wigglesworths most famous exorcism was the exorcism of a public executioner by the name of James Berry. It was successful and Berry went on to become an evangelist.

Wigglesworth also had a unique technique when it came to healing people, I'll let you find that out for yourselves but it's surely worth a feature of its own on Neatorama?
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1. Ikin is right, incredibly they do wrap their mountains, but the truth is it's nothing to do with climate change, it's to do with the skiing and tourism industry.
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@Ben (20)

So what you're saying is that Lions, Crocodiles and other predatory animals (sorry innocent non-humans) are cowards too?

Have you ever even visited a zoo before or seen a documentary and watched the unnatural, cowardly, abuse of wilderbeast and gazelles at the paws of predators?

I would argue strongly that eating meat is natural- however as humans we do have an advantage over most of our non-human friends... and of course as spiritual beings we have the capacity to be unnecessarily cruel.
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That.. was the most excellent example I have seen yet of the problem with political wing of the Religious right Wrong and the "God helps those who help themselves" work ethic.

It's about time someone challenged accepted wisdom.
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Introspective questions like that are a common part of Christian spirituality and may even be exhortations intended for the benefit of the reader.

Consider these words of Paul to the Romans:
"We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."

And to the Corinthians:
"If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith."
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