Lizzy 1's Comments

"Don't forget that most men with nothing would rather protect the possibility of becoming rich than face the reality of being poor." - From the musical 1776
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Last weekend, The Muppets (from Muppet Show, Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock and Emmet Otter) performed a musical tribute to Jim Henson with the New York Pops and Essential Voices USA chorus at Carnegie Hall.

Yes, all of those songs were performed.
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So the BBC had a problem with Coca Cola being name checked in a Kinks song, but when John Lennon puts it in the lyrics to "Come Together," it's okay?
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How can the character design for Bleeding Gums be based off the guy from the Dave Matthews Band? He was first introduced in 1990, before LeRoi Moore even met Dave Matthews!
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As a singer, this was fascinating to watch. Even though I've seen laryngoscopies many times before, I recently showed a video of one to my choirs. They were seventh graders. Bad idea. They freaked.
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Let me point out one thing, being from the area: Most people in North Jersey act like a-holes most of the time. So this guy decided to be an a-hole by paying is traffic ticket in pennies, and the town decided to be a-holes by not accepting it. But to people from New Jersey, this behavior is all normal.

By the way, Bloomfield is the same town that almost refused to let the last scene of The Sopranos be shot there because they thought it would give the town a bad image. (I worked for the town's high school for two years until they got rid of me. I'm bitter, can you tell?)
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Hate to nitpick, but there's no way John Lennon would have visited the London set of The Shining in 1980. The last time he was in England was 1971, when he left to move to the US. He never went back.
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I believe the day I created a circle with the Logo turtle was the most technologically proficient day of my life. And I think this is the first time I've seen the Prodigy screen in color!

Oh, and I was using some very very old dot matrix printer paper I'd found in my classroom the other day to rip up for ballots in a classroom vote. The high school students were confused that the edges had to be ripped off!
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I usually get to level 10 or 11, once got to level 12. Including Bouvet Island was mean. Closest I've been was 19 km from Ulaanbataar, Mongolia. (?!?!)
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My mom says that when I was about four, she took me to see Bambi in theaters, and she was worried about what would happen when Bambi's mom got shot. Luckily for her, I apparently had to go to the bathroom right before that scene came up!
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