TeaFizz's Comments

Listen, communication is a TWO-WAY street, with BOTH parties (the person(s) communicating and the person(s) receiving the message) having a responsibility.

It is the responsibility of the person(s) communicating a message that it is made as clearly and understandably as possible in order for the intent of the message to be properly conveyed.

However, it is ALSO the responsibility of the person(s) who receive that message to ensure that they take in the message, and analyze it to ensure that they interpret it in the way it was intended (this necessarily - and, perhaps, especially - includes poorly constructed messages).

So, while the whole "...anti-white and racist..." remark may not have been the best-worded phrase ever uttered, I personally read it as I'm sure it was intended (as Rudy mentions in comment #6).

By flying off the handle, those who complain about that statement are only proving themselves as reactionary and unthinking as those who banned the books in this post.
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Cool chart, but a couple of quibbles (okay... three):

Pantera is not foreign (Arlington, TX)

Borknagar is listed twice [in the same category]

Mötley Crüe is missing an 'e'
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