yikes's Comments

Re: "barkbark"
"control freaks and can't deal with the thought of losing their little animal slaves."
"People who keep their cats indoor should be charged with animal cruelty"

Is this a lame troll, or are you really so out of touch with reality that you actually believe that tripe you wrote?

I rescued my cat from a neighborhood overrun with strays... and coyotes. The coyotes used to kill cats, dogs, skunks and any other animal unfortunate enough to cross their paths. You'd find dead animal carcasses just about every 5 houses or so in the summer. I took her in, gave her a safe home, food, medical care, grooming, chairs to ruin, toys to play with and all the love and affection she can handle, expecting nothing in return. I don't let her out of the house because if I do, she will die. She was a suspicious, scared, and bitey semi-feral stray when I took her in, and it took about 4 years to earn her trust and start to see behavior that you'd expect out of a hand-raised kitten. 10 years later, she seems extremely happy and well-adjusted, and I wouldn't trade her companionship for anything.

How does any of that make me a "control freak" or this cat my "animal slave?" I've been a vegetarian for 25 years, but I really hate that kind of smug uber-PETA-hippy buzz-phrase BS, it's such a gross generalization. Perhaps using it is just a way for you to feel superior to someone else because you have deliberately alienated yourself from "mainstream society" for so long that no man or animal will seek out your company? Or maybe you're one of those reactionary, mindless followers of the accepted, conformist "alternative" "underground" populated by people who try so very hard to be different that they all look and sound the same; parroting the latest trendy catchwords and latching on to every impotent cause du jour as long as it's on a flyer using an "edgy" font and some "revolutionary" clip art. Go back to twisting your dirty dreadlocks and complaining about how "the man" is keeping you down with his "animal slaves," or peeking out of your windows in a paranoid sweat, worried that someone's cat is going to pee in your bushes, or, you know, whatever your problem is, because you do have one.

I'm from the internet, and we love cats, and you sound like a poseur.
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This is terrible, that woman is a sociopathic freak who should be hunted down and punished to the full extent of the law and then shunned by society. I'll bet she lives in that neighborhood, somebody with some time on their hands should stake the area out and follow her home and post it on the internet so everybody knows where to dump their dirty litter boxes.
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