Santi 1's Comments


The fact is napping during summer in Spain specially in the south it's a need because it's too hot to work so you only can sleep.

After at night you can't go to sleep because you had a nap in the afternoon so you go out at the terrace in a bar till late.

Next day in the afternoon it's too hot to work , and you feel sleepy , so we start all over again.

I some towns they had special laws for the napping time:

No noisy teenage motorbikes allowed in town
No bells from the church

best regards from Barcelona
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In Cuanca, Spain there is another place like Beli Plast, La Ciudad Encantada (Enchanted city), a very peculiar place to have a walk
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As spaniard I have tos say spanish ham has been the tradicional "bribe" for teachers, bank directors, mother in law, etc....

When a spanish inmmigrant is asked for "What do you miss from spain? ", 90% answer... My family and the Ham.

If you come to spain don't miss it!!
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As barcelonian am not surprise, it's very common see people playing with "lines" at club restroom, and hashih is so common, nobody care, but a lot of people doesn't take or sale drugs, they play soccer!!!

I also have to say to BG the drugs sale to tourist are fake, normaly smash aspirine if you ask for cocaine, or mud with some kind of grass if you ask for hashis, and of course 8 pounds if you ask for a beer :)
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As spaniard , and can explain few things about our culteure:

he pointed hats "Capirotes" have a reason :

to help shy people to became part og the holy brotherhood and keep the out proud of beeing part of it. if anybody can see your face you cant be ashamed or show off.

Any way it a very curious thing to see, but for sure you are going to need at least four hours before see the show.

Best regards from barcelona

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AS spaniard I have few thing to say:

First off all lotery money only es free of taxes first year, after you have to pay like everybody else

Everybody plays , and I mean everybody, 98% it's too low, only ill people dooesn't play

It's a way for small organizations to raise some money, the sell you a participation of 2 euros but you pay 3 Euros.

Some shops sell or give you small participations as a way to spead out luck. It's not well considerate to charge any money if you are a bussines .

It you buy all the tickets yo people at the job, in the bar, the bakery, th buchery, etc.. you'll probably are going to spend around 200 euros,so people try to keep it down.

It's also a tradition to buy a number for tour family and friends as a gift or exchanging number, ahd you have to be carefull and let them to know the number before he 22th of December, Lotery day and fisrt day of Chistmas holidays for the children

The 22th all the tv are showwing the happy winners. The price have change the economy of some areas , normally in the mountains have buid new bussines change he houses, etc...

This village called Sort (luck in catalan) is named like way for centurys, but they have sold the lucky number so many times because after the first price people started going there to see if there any chance... The owner of the "lottery shop" as become so rich to create a small plane company.

The most popular phase on 22th is:

We haven´t won the lottery but at least we are healthy...

So, that all folks, and "Buena Suerte" "Good Look"
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Hi everybody!

In Pals, nothern spain there is a medieval curch with a candle vending machine, so the priest can be resting at home (in spanish)
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Fallas is a local day off, for Saitn Joseph , when people from valencia decorates theirs streets with lights and also the buid their Ninots, (cardboard pupets) to be burnt the Night of 19th of Mars.

The best Ninot is saved from the flames and indulted, and endid in the museum.

They also have incredible fireworks

This tradition came from the carpenter making a burnfire with the little pieces fo wood, cleanig the workshop, and evolving to Ninots.

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In Barcelona, Spain we call it frankfurt and we only add ketcup or mustard, and if you are a lucky guy maybe onion or chuckrut.

if you come to Spain you better eat "Bocadillo de Jamón" Spanish ham sandwich
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I live in Barcelona, 200 km from Andorra, and these area it's very popular for skiing, so we go there almost once a year.

These facts are true , but if you are not a "elite" tenissplayer or opera singer it's impossible to become a cityzen, even after living there for 15 years.

There is also no union, they don't have there own currency, they work with euros (few years ago spansih pesetas and french francs ).

I rather prefer living less but better
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As Spaniard I would like to have lyrics to sing, but chunda, chunda is something anybody can understand.

And other thing, we don't have ltyrics but we have a dance : MACARENA , AY!!!!

Best regards from Barcelona
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