Roger Kaputnik's Comments

I teach in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates and students here rule the roost. They will be given money by the government for the rest of their life whether they pass or not, so you can imagine motivation is a real problem.

Also, there is no such thing as not allowing a student to do late work or getting admonished for being late. A student will wander into class three hours late and when asked why they will say, "I was sleeping," and shrug.

When asked why they missed the exam they will say, "If I took the exam I would have failed so I didn't come."

You have no idea how their honesty is both frustrating and refreshing at the same time.
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No more kittens please. Also, some more games would be nice.
Don't be afraid to get political, just because some people would prefer to live in denial of the world's problems doesn't mean the rest of us can't benefit from learning something horrific going on in the world while we check out beautiful bridges from the same country.
Also, any stories about Mt. Dew or Crocs footwear would be greatly appreciated.
Keep up the goodish work.
Peace in the Middle East.
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  • Member Since 2012/08/07



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