anothercommenter 1's Comments

lol. I posted a rather "contraversial" comment earlier. thanks neatorama for bein so onesided. to sum it up, I asked if the "born this way" defense really counted and they did not allow it! whatever. if only my origanal post would have made it.
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So, just wondering, after reading and hearing all the "I was born this way" stuff, but does that really make it ok or normal? I dont really have a problem with homosexuals, but i just want to put this out there. Everyone seems to say that this whole "I was born gay so its in my genetics and you must accept this as completely natural" is a legit excuse for even the most flamboyant people. Then if that is an excuse for homosexuality, can it also be an excuse for bestiality? Or incest? Or child pornographers? if a man is born being sexually attracted to children is it really unnatural or perverted? If one individual loves thier own sibling enough to have a sexual relationship/marriage is that really natural? I mean, they were born that way. I guess that since they were born that way, it is hateful and bigotted and whatever else of "normal" society to call them outcasts/wierdos/criminals. Am I right? or is it maybe that Homosexuality falls into the same categories as some of these other perversions but is a bit more popular because it makes a great twist/humorous moment in a tv show? Like I said, and I really dont care if anyone believes me, I dont have a huge problem with homosexuals. I just kind of think that some of the arguements are kind of weak. Oh, and quit calling everyone a homophobe if they dont like homo's. Just because someone doesnt like something doesnt make them a "phobe". "I dont like star trek" "STARTREKPHOBE!" thats all
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