I must say I'm shocked. I was about to comment on this article and say there's little difference between this and a 'socially acceptable' form of meat. People beat me to the punch!
It boils down to selfishness that people would be mortified that somebody would want to cook and eat Fluffy while they munch on a slab of ham; but it's not what they do for Fluffy that drives them. It's the comfort the cat gives them when it sits on their lap, it's the funny things the cat does to amuse them. I'm sure that if cows started performing showtunes hamburger would be impossible to find.
It boils down to selfishness that people would be mortified that somebody would want to cook and eat Fluffy while they munch on a slab of ham; but it's not what they do for Fluffy that drives them. It's the comfort the cat gives them when it sits on their lap, it's the funny things the cat does to amuse them. I'm sure that if cows started performing showtunes hamburger would be impossible to find.