Chicken Foot's Comments

It's bad enough channels like Animal Planet show animals preying on other animals or reptiles but why is Neatorama showcasing this horror? Most site visitors read Neatorama for interesting, kitschy content and prefer not to see animal's being preyed upon or eaten. Just sayin' please stick with pleasant animal stories. Thanks.
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Now if you tried to feed 25 hungry humans there would be a tremendous amount of pushing, shoving, cursing and eventually a BRAWL!

Raccoons, possums, stray cats even the occasional skunk can keep it together and eat in peace, but humans well that's an entirely different story.
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Thanks to Sean & Michele Steele of Alberta for saving the fawn's life. Just a reminder to the rest of us to drive more cautiously and remember the road is not a race track. Wish the Mother Deer had survived too, rest in peace.
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  • Member Since 2015/09/22



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