Neatorama Posts Tagged "xray"
Parents Hide Baby In Carry-On...

An Egyptian couple, tired of being stuck at the in the airport because of a visa issue, stuffed their 5-month old baby in a carry-on bag and sent him through the x-ray machine. They were hoping  the United Arab Emirates...
X-rays of Real-life Monsters from the Deep...

We rarely see these 15 species of strange deep-sea fish, and even more rarely get to see their insides. They look scary, but most are only dangerous to other creatures that live in the ocean depths. Shown here is the inn...
Pothole Saves Girl's Life...

Laci Davis, an 8-year-old in Cincinnati, Ohio, accidentally ingested her necklace and heart-shaped locket, which lodged in her throat. The third-grader was in excruciating pain. "It felt like something was stabbing m...
This Giant Camera Takes Amazing Photos...

When photographer Darren Samuelson set up to take photos of Manhattan with his massive six foot long view camera that weighs over 70 pounds, authorities were alerted and the police had to be convinced that he wasn't poin...
4th Amendment Underwear...

Core77's Design for Social Impact contest winner created underwear specifically for going through TSA security. For covering up your private parts during an X-ray, the set includes bras and boxers with the fourth ame...
Skeleton Shaving...

An electric razor that shaves close to the bone! This x-ray, featured at Modern Mechanix, was taken in 1941, back when x-ray scientists and technicians didn't bother wearing lead aprons and spent their spare time com...
Radical X-ray Art...

There are quite a few creative minds who are making art using x-rays, each with their own distinctive style. Dark Roasted Blend has a roundup introducing the works of Wim Delvoye, Ben Kruisdijk, Steven Meyers, Bert Myers...
X-Ray Origami...

Japanese artist Takayuki Hori created a lovely series of origami animal figures with printed skeletons. When displayed under the right light, they look like folded x-ray images. Here's how he does it: each transluce...
Black Hole Creates Galactic "Super-Volcano"...

Galaxy M87 is an enormous collection of heavenly bodies, but astronomers who have studied the effects of its black hole see similarities to the recent volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland, and have dubbed it...
It's not a Tumah! It's a Pea!...

Ron Sveden of Brewster, Massachusetts already suffered from emphysema, and when he took a turn for the worse, he expected he might have cancer. Instead, x-rays showed a pea plant sprout growing in his lung! For two week...

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