The 1993 video game Doom is an icon of the gaming world. Since i..., whether is from a job or a date, can be... ...who seek his aid.James Mielke, a producer for the video game design studio Limited Run Games , once attempted to enlist Attenborough as a voice... was a hit or miss year for movies, but it has... the hype in 2018.(YouTube Link)Over the years video games have become so cinematic that people often mistak... Am Not Big Foot by Vincent TrinidadWhat would p... ...cters have their own show, some star in their own video game The Punchy Bunch by RexelRetroOthers don't h... aren't many details about this image available, in fact, the original source seems to have deleted it, but when you have the chance to see Mario Kart in real life -complete with balloons, you just have to share it.... games featured simpler storylines and gameplay elements... ...ts when they first came out, but like every other video game genre RPGs have evolved into something way m... Pokemon Go trend is finally starting to die do... ...announced their intention to launch a Pop Culture Video Games course that counts as a PE class by focusing on games that get people to move, like Pokemon Go and Huma... Video Link)Sonice the Hedgehog is an animal hero, savin... ...l robotic creatures by the terrible Dr. Robotnik.( Video Link)He's such a hero to animals that he even has... ...ometimes he falls prey to Robotnik's evil tricks.( Video Link)Sometimes some of Sonic's friend's show... is one of those beloved shows that even 2... ...ultimate Doom tribute to the show about nothing.( Video Link)Ultimately, the mod is really about nothing... you see an article about weird video games , you'll almost always notice that at least half o... ...pan. Sure that's in part because Japan makes more video games than most countries, but it's also because the co...'s also because the country just loves strange games...