Neatorama Posts Tagged "postal service"
5 Things People Actually Put in the Mail...

(Image credit: Ntsimp)How to take advantage of the best bargain in the world: the USPS.1. A BANKW.H. Coltharp was in charge of building the Bank of Vernal, Utah, and wanted the edifice to be made of bricks from Salt Lak...
Letter Addressed with Map...

A tourist in Iceland wanted to send a letter to a...  ...and added a description (in English) to help the postal service out. The farm is not all that obscure to the loca...
14 Secrets of U.S. Postal Carriers

Embed from Getty Images How you feel about the Postal Service depends on whether they brought you a check or bi...  ...year! On an individual level, you might know your postal carrier’s name, but probably not a lot abou...  ...Cliches are clichés for a reason, and most pos...
The Suicide Club: Early American Airmail Pilots...

In 1918, airplanes were still a new concept, and o...  ...the next year. In the early days of the Air Mail Service , risk was at an all-time high. From 1918 to 1926,...  ...rian and head curator of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum. “One of the pilots was kidding arou...  ...tlas Obscura. (Image credi...
Postal Experiments

The following is an article from The Annals of Imp...  ...g long been genuine admirers of the United States Postal Service (USPS), which gives amazingly reliable service especially compared with many other countr...  ...the item were not wrapped? How patient are pos...
Which Came First — The Chicken Or the Egg?...

(Image credit: Flicker user "The Wanderer's Eye"...  ...y, using a chicken, an egg, and the United States Postal Service (USPS). I mailed the chicken and the eg...  ...dhere to the restrictions described in the Postal Service ’s Domestic Mail Manual [DMM] 57, as upda...  ...mestic Mail...
Children Mailed by Parcel Post...

From the archives of the National Postal Museum comes this photo of a postal carrier with a young boy in his mailbag. After p... a young boy in his mailbag. After parcel post service was introduced in 1913, at least two children we... 1913, at least two...
US Postal Service: Is Collapse Imminent?

For the past three years, Phillip Herr of the US G... Congress to find out what's wrong with the US Postal Service . He came to this conclusion (unsurprising to some...  ...e, I'm sure):Herr and his team concluded that the postal service 's business model was so badly broken that collaps...  ...l volume i...
How NOT to Mail a Ferret...

The package was en route from Appomattox, Virginia...  ...Rico. At the post office in Lynchburg, Virginia, postal workers noticed the box was moving. They had to g...  ...ed the package, inspectors found a ferret inside! Postal workers promptly named it Stamps. Photos from th...  ...orkers promptly named it Sta...

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