Neatorama Posts Tagged "lasers"
Campfire Light Show...

[] (YouTube link)Tim Ro... Roman and friends pulled out their Wicked Lasers and pointed them at the campfire, producing an ee...  ...r average laser pointers. I don't know much about lasers
Brilliant Father Rigs Breathing Detector with Wiimote and Lasers

[youtube DO-Q38jyZhY](Video Link) Parenting is a l... with that fear. He rigged a system that shines lasers on the back of his baby's back. If the baby stops...
I Have One Simple Request and That Is to Have Sharks with Freakin' Laser Beams...

It's taken fifteen years, but Dr. Evil's dream has finally come true. In April, marine biologist and TV personality Luke Tipple attached a 50-milliwatt laser emitter to the dorsal fin of a lemon shark. Can the sha...
Mosquito-Repelling Laser Barriers...

After one of his college roommates succumbed t...  ...elop a means of combating that plight. He's using lasers to restrict the movements of disease-carrying mos...
Laser Designed to Tear Apart Vacuum of Space-Time...

Why does this sound like the beginning of a sc...  ...ered research laser. The primary purpose of these lasers is to search for theoretical particles. They are...
Popping Popcorn with a Laser...

(Video Link) You can pop popcorn by firing a laser at a single kernel. That's what YouTube user WorldScott did using two laser emitters that look like lightsabers. A spinning turntable ensured even cooking through...
How to Make Your Own Laser Tripwire...

Who's been stealing my Twinkies from my cubicle here at Neatorama HQ? This time, I'm going to catch Miss Cellania in the act! Instructables user action_owl designed and built a homemade laser tripwire alarm system that...
Borg-Like Laser Eyepiece...

Remember those spooky scenes from Star Trek when Borg drones would attack -- and the first sign of them was their laser eyepieces peering through the mist? Instructables user lemonie was inspired by them to create his o...
Lightsaber Is Actually a Fairly Powerful Laser...

The people at Wicked Lasers removed the laser from a Casio projector and put...  ...wrong? Link via Nerd Bastards | Image: Wicked Lasers

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