Chris Barnes, formerly an Australian tour guide, once saw a dead female kangaroo at the side of the road. While the body was in the first stages of decomposition, there was a joey in her pouch barely alive, that had been...[]YouTube LinkYouTube u... ...captured over five minutes of a fight between two kangaroos in the middle of an Australian street. Aside from... Link)If this is every day life in Australia, then I'll file for a work visa there today.Via I Can Has Cheezburger... the Joey was discovered in the wild without his mother, so the adorable little orphan was brought to the Wild about Wildlife Kilmore Rescue Centre. When the little guy started to get lonely, keepers put him togethe... Link) There is no description on this video, so I can't tell you why Digger happens to be in a diaper, maybe you guys have some theories. Via I Can Has Cheezburger...'s just so hard to get a hold of the ball, but when you do, it certainly loses its appeal. Link...