You don't have to break the bank to enjoy a great steak, but you do have to treat your meat purchase right to get the best flavor. How much you spend determines the cooking method, and... ...e co... about everyone has had to deal with a stripped screw at one point and depen... a stripped screw at one point and depending on how bad it's stripped, the process can be pretty simp... ...pretty simple or infuriating. Fortunately, thanks to Instructables, now you ca... following article is from the book Uncle John&... ...a human that ever lived— you’re going to have to make a fire outdoors. The kids will demand it. Or... ...r vacation. With this in mind, you’re going to need some tried-and-true tips for starting a fire... following is an article from The Annals of Imp... ...ed by Ernest Ersatz, Improbable Research staffHow to Obtain GoldThese are from the book Alaska and the... ...f the Precious Metal; Routes Traversed by Miners; How to Find Gold; Camp Life at Klondike — Practica... ...Pennsylvania, 1897.[Read it her... to clean your house a little but don't want to buy any new cleaning products? Well, chances are... our newest Homes and Hues article showing you how to to condiments, it's amazing just how f... love learning new things on Instructables, but I'm not a talented doer like the people making the tutorials. That being said, everyone has their failures, which is why the Instructables' Spectacular Failures Contest is... dad taught me while I was very young that there... things. The easy way, or the hard way. He also told me the hard way was often the "right" way. After... ..."right" way. After watching this insane video of how these men transport sand between floors, I realiz... ...y know this because the following... don't actually have teenage kids, but from what... ...about being one, they kind of suck. I don't mean to speak on behalf of all teenagers, but seriously,... ...kind of ALL sucked. Sometimes getting a teenager to do the simplest thing (like load a dishwasher) is... ...hing (like load a dishwasher) is like a... sad fact is, you WILL need a spoon one day, an... ...something. Worst case scenario, you need a spoon to save the life of your best friend (not sure how this would happen, but just go with it for a seco... ...? You just make one. You may think you DON'T know how do *s... Credit: netalloyEveryone these days wants th... ...edit: netalloyEveryone these days wants the right to say they are a published author. It is very en vo... .... Whilst the truest writers will use that passion to help them fight their way into the industry, some... ...heir way into the industry, some pe...