Antarctica doesn't get a lot of fires, but it's the windiest and driest continent in the world and thus fires are always a potential source of danger. Given the extreme weather conditions of the place, it's necessary tha... China News)It’s not a novelty vehicl... ...German truck maker MAN originally built them for firefighting crews that provide service in long tunnels, such...[] (Video Link)Earlier this month, fire ravaged about 48 square miles of land in Adelaide Hills, South Australia. While residents fled, firefighters rushed in to contain, then e...[](Vide... ...but their effort is requiring a lot of work from firefighting resources throughout the Los Angeles area.We've p... ...hout the Los Angeles area.We've previously seen a firefighting helicopter scooping water out of a swimming pool... ...swimming pool in... Fire with Fire t-shirt now on sale at the NeatoShop)Now before you start breaking open fire hydrants, know that this was a special case. Capt. Craig Moreau, a firefighter in Houston, Texas, was driving from Austin...[](Video Link)Firefighters are professional athletes, though they're often not thought of that way. Want proof of their physical abilities? Watch these two firefighters grab a la...[](Video Link)Forest fires are causing extensive damage in northern and central Portugal. Firefighters are using aircraft to dump water on them. Where do you get water if there's... condominium in Boulder, Colorado caught on fire on Monday. Firefighters rescued all three pets inside the home, including this cat who doesn't seem especially grateful. Maybe he was expecting a larger entourage?Link -v... left image on the top is the v... ...m let engineers develop a new firefighting system: One series of tests usi... the water hose! Firefighters of the future may simply "zap" fire out of existence with an electric wand:Currently, firefighters use water, foam, powder, and other substances to tame flames. But a team fr...