No matter how cute they are, I don't want a raccoo... as it to watch a couple of raccoons play with bubbles have a very beardly beard that impresses the me... ...lot of time and careful grooming. Just shape some bubbles appropriately. That's what Mindo Cikanavicius, a... ...with excellent facial hair made entirely of soap bubbles . You can see them all here. is the Bubble Lamp, a novel design by the Dutch firm Booo. It c... .... It consists of a single LED inside an automatic bubble blower. When activated, the lamp blows bubbles which serve as lampshades. After several seconds,... ...h serve as lampshades. After several s... may have survived the Large... ...discovered last year, the universe will end in a bubble of doom. "If you use all t... ...wrote in Nature that "without warning, a bubble of true vacuum could nucleate somewhe... ...nt state, so eventually to reali... Poop Bubble Gum Balls in Toilet - $2.95Do you know someone wh... ...his year? Forget the coal! Give them Snowman Poop Bubble Gum Balls in Toilet from the NeatoShop. This refr... can't fly - just ask an... ...rds swim toward the surface, they trail a wake of bubbles bubbles come from, or why there are there. [.... ...esearchers made some interesting discoveries. The bubbles of air being trailed by the penguins... ...T... Roll Message Maker - $3.45 Shhh. Come closer. We... ...a secret to tell you. You need to check out the Bubble Roll Message Maker from the NeatoShop. This fanta... ...allows you to write your own secret message on a bubble gum roll. We are pretty sure Bond didn't have... Cymaii/Flickr We'... ...has got us stumped: how in the world did he get a bubble inside of a bubble , with end caps no less? Colossa... fishbowl was designed by glassblower Rich... ...nervous? I wonder if the fish is nervous. The ‘ Bubble Tank Project’ is a series hand-blown glass bowl... Trek DIY Talk Bubble Mighty Wallet - $14.95 Do you find yourself to b... ...derful qualities? You need the Star Trek DIY Talk Bubble Mighty Wallet from the NeatoShop. Being clever...