The original Gotham is a small town in England, a far cry from the la... ...even pronounced the way we say it. The village of Gotham became the butt of jokes in the 13th century, bec...] (YouTube link)The leap Gotham took from a village of fools to...
Batman's Village of Fools: Gotham, England
5 Characters Who Would Make Fox's Gotham A Better Place
Image Credit:Marcus QuigmireSo who's had a chance... ...Fox's new (younger) take on the Batman universe, Gotham ? The show is actually pretty good so far, surpris... ...n some characters who would be a great benefit to Gotham if they were added to the television show's roste...
How to Get Your Husband to Get Up in the Middle of the Night to Change the Baby's Diaper...
How do you get men to help change the baby's diape... ...aby is a boy ... consider naming your child " Gotham ." That way, when your baby starts crying in... do is turn to your husband and whisper, " Gotham needs you." And it won't matter if it's the...
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