Stubborn as Mules

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These two donkeys live at Sunflower Farm in Cumberland, Maine. One day they were caught in a playful mood. Owner Hope Hall was quoted as saying.

"I almost died laughing when I went to get in my car and noticed that the donkeys had plucked the wiffle ball bat from the bag where it hangs beside their fence and were carrying it around together. I thought that by the time I grabbed a phone they would have dropped it, but they carried it around for about 10 minutes. I guess they are ready for spring baseball season!"

Maybe these guys can play on a farm team if they keep up the batting practice! -Via Tastefully Offensive

Some time in the early 70s, in Ireland, I saw two goats chained to each other in a field. They weren't chained to anyhing - just to each other. The owner said they'd never agree on an escape plan - and as far as I could tell they never did. They could get about 20' apart and that was it. Even if one climbed over the wall it never got more than 20' beyond.
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