Vegemite Cheesecake

Ah, Vegemite! The yeast extract that is a popular food in Australia is less well-known in the United States. What does it taste like? Food blogger Ben Starr says that “a fingerful of Vegemite is like a meaty, salty punch in the face.”

So it would therefore make the ideal basis for a cheesecake. Chef Billy Law made one. He says that you shouldn’t judge it until you’ve tried it because “salt brings out the sweetness in food, and this works the same way: the salty Vegemite enhances the sweetness of the cheesecake.”

-via Lost at E Minor

Can I just say three things..

1. Vegemite is great,especially for hangover food...
2. You spread vegemite t h i n ...v e r y t h i n. Anyone who eats a "finger full" of vegemite needs their head read.
3. This sounds really gross...
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