Reese's Peanut Butter Trees Simply Didn't Shape Up This Year

The Reese's Peanut Butter candy empire began with a cup, but nowadays that chocolate peanut butter goodness comes in all shapes and sizes, from tiny round bites to pumpkins and trees.

People are fond of those festive shapes, especially around Easter, Halloween and Christmas, but this year things got dark for Reese's on social media when their Peanut Butter Christmas trees didn't fit the mold.

People took to Twitter and Instagram to complain that the Reese's Peanut Butter Trees didnt' look like trees at all, sarcastically tagging the Tweets #happythanksgiving. First world problems, amirite?!

Personally, I eat them too fast to pay attention to how they're shaped, and sometimes I don't even have time to open the package!

-Via The Daily What

Reese's do not hold their shape well especially in hot climate. Leave some Reese's cups on the table during summer and you'll end up with some deformed (but still very delicious) chocolate peanut.
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