F1 Racing Team Gives Teenager Advanced Prosthetic Hand

Matthew James, a 14-year old boy from the UK, jokingly wrote a letter to Mercedes's F1 racing team. He needed an expensive prosthetic hand and offered to wear a Mercedes logo on it, just like race car drivers wear on their outfits, if they would pay for it. They wrote back and agreed to foot the $57,000 bill. Now Matthew has one of the most advanced prosthetic limbs currently on the market:

The hand is so versatile Matthew can grip a pen to draw pictures and write, tie his shoe laces and catch a ball.

The hand, made from high-grade plastic with a black silicone socket, literally plugs into Matthew's arm.

Two electrodes on the inside of the socket detect electrical impulses made by the muscles in Matthew's lower arm.

The signals are then beamed to a mini-computer in the palm which translates the messages into movements, replicating a normal hand.

The hand even comes equipped with bluetooth technology for remote computer control of its functions.

Link -via DVICE | Photo: HEMEDIA

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