Beware The Staten Island Clown

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Coulrophobes had better steer clear of Staten Island for a while, until the local authorities take care of a certain creepy clown they’ve got lurking around the city streets.

He has become a bit of a local legend in the few short weeks he’s been clowning around the streets of S.I., because people claim he’s an elusive clown, appearing with a wave then disappearing back into the city before most of them can snap a pic.

Is this the same clown faced freak that has been haunting Northampton, England, or is this one of the British clown’s disciples? Whatever IT is, if you see the Staten Island clown prepare to laugh your head off!

-Via BuzzFeed

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I think it's a real scream, too...I know you were joking, but I'd sure like to know what he could be charged with or what the conversation might be - 'Uh, sir, could you walk around wearing something less disturbing, oh, like, speedos?
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Actually I was just joking, likening him to a psycho clown when he's really just some guy having fun with people. Personally, I think what he's doing is hilarious, and every town should have their own lurking clown! I guess I assumed people would get that I was joking...
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