The Short Film Steakhouse May Give You the Creeps

This is what can happen when you live on the internet. Not just that an internet outage will destroy your whole day, but how this guy got into the shape he's in. He's apparently been researching internet conspiracy theories, down the rabbit hole into a world of paranoia and altered perception. Okay, an internet outage requires a call to the service provider, miraculously resulting in a service call, which is suspicious enough in this day and age. But you get the feeling that this may be the first actual live person he's talked to in weeks. You can also believe that it's probably been that long since he took a shower or walked outside. This guy has his problems, and the further we go into the scene, the worse those problem prove to be. Don't let this happen to you!

Steakhouse, directed by Ft. Langley, is described as a "sci-fi comedy," although I would classify it as a short horror film. -via Nag on the Lake

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